As an enthusiast and an intending programmer, you need to be familiar with a lot of websites. These websites are very useful to your field of interest because they offer courses, tutorials and platforms which help you in your entire journey in programming from beginner to expert level.
In this article, I will recommend five websites to you and these websites are as follows:

  • EDX


Udemy is one of the World’s largest and cost-effective Online Learning platform. It is one place where you can get access to a plethora of courses. The best part is that courses from various domains are available and also they are available in various languages. 
Udemy is one of the leading world wide online learning marketplaces (e-learning).
More than 9 million students participate worldwide,with more than 80,000 courses. Most topics are covered and taught by experts. The courses are available on demand so that the learning is possible anywhere at any time, on the own pace.
Udemy courses are available in 80 languages. Udemy is probably the best option for young programming enthusiasts.
We have also created a list of free programming courses you can get on udemy, visit Free accessible courses

Visit now to start your e-learning journey


Stack overflow is a question and answer site for professional and enthusiast programmers.
Stack overflow gives their users a platform where they can ask questions on the issues they encounter and receive recommendations, answers and suggestions. As a beginner programmer, it is wise to sign up in the site


edX is a massive open online course provider. It hosts online university-level courses in a wide range of disciplines to a worldwide student body, including some courses at no charge. It also conducts research into learning based on how people use its platform. So edX is more like learning a wide variety of programming courses in an Institution, this site is worth signing up to if you want to advance into a world of programming. 

Visit to know more 


Codecademy is an online interactive platform that offers free coding classes in 12 different programming languages including Python, Java, JavaScript (jQuery, AngularJS, React.js), Ruby, SQL, C++, Swift, and Sass, as well as markup languages HTML and CSS.The site also offers a paid “Pro” option that gives users access to personalized learning plans, quizzes, and realistic projects. The platform also provides courses for learning command line and Git. In September 2015, Codecademy, in partnership with Periscope, added a series of courses designed to teach SQL, the predominant programming language for database queries. As part of the Computer Science Education Week held in December 2013, Codecademy launched its first iOS app called “Hour of Code”. The app focuses on the basics of programming, including the same content from the website. Codecademy partnered with Adafruit for a course on electronics and hardware programming.

Visit to start your journey now.


SitePoint is a growing online media company based in Collingwood, Australia. It publishes educational web development resources for intending and already freelancers, programmers, designers, and web developers all over the world. SitePoint’s award-winning team develops leading articles, courses, and books for its clients, specializing in the areas of WordPress, mobile, and ruby solutions. In the past, SitePoint has offered flexible, part-time, and telecommuting employment opportunities. So it doesn’t only offers for learning, it equally offers employment opportunities.

Visit to start your journey now.

There are many other sites you can check up on and register or just download tutorials and read their various books and pdf(s). But starting with these few gives you an edge and proper introduction in the programming world.


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